Monday, November 21, 2011

The triumphant return is coming

Hello readers, It has been many months since my last post. For this I apologize. But know that I will be returning to the Political writing scene very soon. With coming Presidential Election, I wouldn't miss this for the world!!
Next Blog... COMING SOON

The Dead Frog

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama Bin Laden

Originally I wasn't going to warrant this with a post of its own. Until I logged onto Facebook and saw what a lot of my friends were saying about the death of Osama Bin Laden. I saw posts like "Osama Bin Laden is dead! America is winning!" my frist question was; "winning what?" Honestly, after 10 years, 2 wars, around 920,000 deaths, and over $1 Trillion America has finally killed one man... Sooo what did we win? I don't think a lot of people know the extent of his legacy and what comes next, now that he is dead.

First of all lets talk about the man OBL. Osama Bin Laden was the founder of Al-Qaeda back in 1987-88 or something (I have seen a few different dates). Al-Qaeda is a militant Islamic group, for those of you who may not know. He claims to have organized the attacks of September the 11th in 2001, on the World Trade Center towers of NY.

He was also endorsed, supported, and an ally of the U.S. during the Cold War against the USSR. The U.S. supplied him with guns and ammunition as well as other weapons. And why not? After all he was our ally. At this point in time I believe that he had already started Al-Qaeda.

Al-Qaeda has gone through changes similar to this before. Many of its leaders have been killed since not only it was created, but since 2001. Yes, Killing Bin Laden, the leader and founder of the group, is a big hit. But it will not stop or slow Al-Qaeda at all. 8 years ago, when Bin Laden was the sole leader, his death might have ended the organization. But now? No, they are diversified and spread out, ready to work without Bin Laden. As a matter of fact they already have a replacement for Osama. I am having a hard time finding his name, but he is a younger man, not as "heroic" or "celebrated" as Osama. He is more mellow I hear as well. So that is good news... right?

Many speculate that Al-Qaeda will have a retaliation plan after hearing about their leader's death. Many Jihad websites have videos and quotes saying things like "You cannot not kill us by killing our leader" "al-qaeda is not finished" etc etc. It is assumed that this retaliation will more than likely happen in the middle east rather than on American soil. Which is also good news...?

So as far as the actual killing of OBL. The US lost  his trail in December of  2001, after it was said that he was killed in a bombing. It was later found that he had not died and was alive and well. So the search was on again. The US started following a currier that was responsible for finding Al-Qaeda members places to hide. His name is Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, this man was followed for a few years until he was followed to Pakistan. Within a 40 mile radius of a large military base, there was a compound that was found in an upscale neighborhood. Not much odd about this place really except that it was surrounded by 18 foot walls topped with razor wire.

What raised red flags about this place was the fact that this was the only building in the area that had no internet connection at all. And while all other houses in the area took out their trash every week, this particular place burned everything. No trash was ever brought out at all, ever. The Pakistani government says that they were unaware that OBL was in their country, nor did they know he was so close to a military base either.

All this news was rather interesting to me, seeing as the relationship between the US and Pakistan is more strained now than it has ever been, and now OBL has been hiding there for how many years now? It just strikes me as odd. Then again, Pakistan was not told about the raid until after it was done and the SEALS were on their way home. The US government is saying that this kill is showing that we have Resolve, resilience, and Patience, and the willingness to do whatever it takes to get the job done. This all means that no one will mess with us apparently.

The mission was to capture or kill him. He was only to be killed if he put up a fight that would threaten the lives of the NAVY SEALS that were going in to capture him. There is much International Speculation about whether or not A) He is actually dead and B) whether or not capturing him was really part of the plan.

B) is pretty self explanatory I think. But as for A)... Lets speculate too, just for kicks and giggles. He was shot in face twice. No Pictures have been released as of yet. Add to this that he was buried at sea, immediately after he was killed and his corpse was taken away. Why? i am sure that a good argument against this would be: Why not? to which i say "touche, good sir". As far as this goes, you are really left to wonder what the truth really is. Bin Laden's death comes at a convenient  time for Obama, with all the issues he is facing with the birthers (do NOT get me started on that), budget problems, etc etc. This was a great to get people to stop thinking about the budget and other issues and to see Obama as a war hero. As a man who gets the job that was left undone by former presidents, done and done well. His approval ratings for the war went from 46% to almost 57% after the killing of Bin Laden. So I do wonder a bit, well, there is some doubt there, that is all.

Demand Truth no matter what. Like always, like it or hate it, read it and share it.

Also I have created a Facebook "Like" page for "In Other news..." that I will share with you, my readers. Hit like and show your support. I am always thankful to hear from you, and I can respond directly to you all through comments here or through the FB "like" page. Here is the link

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Press of Death

Yesterday in Libya, two western photojournalists were killed and two others were wounded in the city of Misrata, which was being hailed on by government forces, and has been for weeks now.

It is unclear what actually happened, but it is claimed that a rocket propelled grenade killed Chris Hondros (of NY) Winner of the Robert Capa Gold Medal, and (British born) oscar nominated, (best documentary 2010 "Restrepo"he co-directed) Tim Hetherington, and wounded two assistance of theirs. It is said that they were following Rebel troops from Tripoli street in Misrata where there the fighting was the heaviest. Both died from brain injuries and loss of blood.

I don't want you, my readers, to think that I don't care about the troops, or the civilians or others that have died in Libya or anywhere else in the recent past, and the present. It is just that as a writer, blogger, and hopeful Journalist after school, I hold a special place in my heart for these men and women that risk their lives so keep us informed. I can't speak for others, but I want to be in this line of work to help others stay informed and to be there to witness revolutions, to be at the forefront of the news. It is exciting for me to think that these people are able to see this happen first hand. Also though, they are helping out the peoples in these places by telling their story. I have not yet seen Restrepo, but I do plan on checking it out (for any who are interested it can be found on Netflix Instant Watch).

The stories that these people tell, are not for personal glory, they tell these stories so that we can understand what is going on, what is happening. Most of their work seems to go under the radar, most of us have not heard of these nameless journalists that are being beaten in Libya, China, Afghanistan, Iran, etc etc, just so that we can sit behind our computers and have information. I commend their efforts and support their mission. These peoples are the real agents of truth, risking and giving their lives to hand us that truth. I may not yet be among their ranks, but soon I will be, and I too will spread truth to the masses.

... this has gotten a bit too melodramatic, my apologies readers.

The Civil War in Libya is far from over. Muammar Gaddafi cannot win, that is clear, but he also may not loose. There is speculation over whether or not there will be two Libyas after this. East and West Libya perhpas. I honestly don't think Gaddafi will go for this however. He is a man that has dreamed of uniting Africa under his rule and being the first Emperor of Africa, if he looses Libya that is like a kick in the shins. Needless to say, he will not give up until he feels he has won something.  So we will have to wait and see what happens there, keep searching the Net for news and info.

Here are some links to the works (or where you can find the works) of:
Chris Hondros
Tim Hetherington

 Like it or hate it, read it and share it. Remember Always Demand Truth

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monie$ and how people don't want to deal with it.

The US has avoided a partial government shutdown by an eleventh hour agreement made by those people in the White House. The $38 Billion agreement came late Friday night, I think it was sometime after 11 p.m. The shutdown was set to go for midnight that night. Republicans and Democrats alike have been bickering for weeks on this years fiscal budget that ends in September.  A Republican was heard giving a speech saying

As I understand it Democrats wanted to cut only $11 Billion from the rest of this years spending. While Republicans had varied amounts, which is not a bad thing. Haggling is a great strategy when it comes to money. But in this case it was nothing but a nuisance. Every time the D's were ready to take their deal, the R's brought up the price of the cut.

It turns out that things like Planned Parenthood and such, just NEEDED to be cut, as well as other programs (however this was the one that is most talked about in the media). So you had R's fighting for money and cuts, and D's fighting for people's rights. It has struck me as an odd fight. In the large scale of things, this is such a small, menial cut from the budget as a whole (now I know that to you and I that seems like a lot; but, when you look at how big this country is and how much money it takes to run it for a year. Suddenly $38 billion isn't so much.) So why did it take so long?

The way I see there are few reasons for this. One is the Tea Party-ers (who were heard chanting "shutdown shutdown", yeah thats great good support of the American people there.) Wanted Americans to loose jobs during the last two years of Obama's Presidency so that way an uneducated American would think that He lost jobs instead of creating them. This might cause more people to vote R and oust him in the coming 2012 election.

Another reason is all peoples involved (and I mean both R and D here) wanted to wait until that eleventh hour so they could come out and say that they did absolutely everything in their power to get what they saw fit. This would make them out to be heros in a sense. One of the Rs (I am sorry I don't know his name, nor the state he represents) was recorded saying in a speech that this was not held off until the last minuet for drama reasons, but to ensure that they got what they wanted. Now I am not going to sit here and tell you that these grown men actually were standing around knowing that they were going to come to a deal and just waiting for that last minuet to say so. But on the other hand...

They have not really been acting like adults as of late. The best analogy I can come up with is preschoolers fighting over crayons. Everybody knew that one kid who, if he couldn't have THOSE crayons he didn't want ANY crayons. That is what I saw during these debates for a budget. And that, most of all is what annoyed me about the whole thing.

We vote for these people, essentially hire them, to do a job that we ourselves are not prepared to do. Like any company that needs employees, I see the politicians as the people we have hired to do work that we should be able to oversee as managers. We get vote people in,  we vote the people out, in other words, we hire them and we fire them. Maybe we are nothing more than just hiring managers, but that is something. I don't want to go into office and make difficult choices, that is why I vote. Because I don't think I would want to do the job I have taken time and put in effort into finding someone that I think could do it. Now why are they not performing to the upmost standards? I wish there was an election tomorrow so that we could we show these guys how we felt about this childish behavior of theirs.

This also goes to show just how segregated American politics really is. The fight of the R's versus the D's seems to be hotter than ever at this point. Now maybe it is because I am new to this, maybe it really is just raging really badly right now. It could be both, I don't know. But I think political acts like the ones we have seen between the two parties at times like these when they are debating about a budget that ends in September, is what is going to see the raise of the Independent party. This is something I support whole heartedly too.

I would like to see a Party that will stand for people and people's rights, and do what is NEEDED based on those factors, not based on party bias. It would be nice to see someone actually just stand up and be for the people by the people. Now I don't think that that last statement made any more sense than you think it made but still, it would be great to see that. I think that that with more debates and close calls like the one we just had with this budget, we may see a rise in the Independent party, hopefully.

So as always, like it or hate, read it and share it. And remember, ALWAYS demand truth.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Godzilla strikes again.

Please excuse the title, it was in slight bad taste.
But lets take a look at Japan right now. Other than Japan offering the perfect distraction in the media from the chaos in the middle east, they are a pretty tenacious country.
They were hit with a Magnitude 8.9 Earth quake, and then in the same day a tsunami hit them, which was a result of the earth quake. To make matters worse they are having MANY issues with the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant. But what stands out to me the most about all of this is the attitude that they show in this hardship. The Japanese Government is saying that they are expecting economic growth by the end of the year, the people working at the power plant are working night and day at their own risk to put it back in control. And all of this while the last death toll (that I have heard anyway) is 8300 with several thousand still missing. Then there are the thousands that are homeless, in the end of winter, with sub-freezing weather and snow. Their resolve is something to be astonished at. One worker at the power plant was saying that something like has never happened before with the nuclear power reactors so they are not really sure what to do about it.
I think their attitude towards what is going on goes back to a previous post that I have up here talking about society. Japan has regard the self as embedded in relationships, and harmony with one's group is prized above individual goals and wishes. So in this case these works know the health risks but they dive into that power plant anyway saying "This must be done for the greater good. No matter the cost to me." I really think that Japanese have a much different sense of self that Americans have. Americans think about saving one's self, and doing things for personal glory, granted not all of the time. Japanese think "All for one, and one for all." This makes such things like this series of serious unfortunate events easier for them to get under control. Look at how fast they were able to scramble together a lot of shelters, food banks, and such. I did not pay attention half as much as I should have when Katrina hit but I don't think that America was quite as organized as Japan has been the past 10 or 11 days since the crap hit the fan.
If there is any country on this planet that can recover, well, not only recover, but turn this around for the better, it is Japan. My heart cries out for those that are lost, missing, dead, injured, or know someone who is. My thoughts and prayers are being sent out in fervor for the country as a whole in this hard time. But, I believe in Japan. I can't say that I know what it is like to be them right now; however, I can say that as of now, I stand with you, my Japanese brothers and sisters, in Hope for a speedy recovery. If hope is all I can offer than I offer it whole heartedly.
Here are some links that you can click to donate to Japan relief funds.
Please give what you can to those in need. Thank you.
Like it, or hate it, read it and share it. And as always Demand Truth.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Here we go again...

And it looks like there is a new international war brewing in Libya. France, Britain, Jordan, and the United Arab Emirates are starting to enforcing a No-Fly Zone over the country, and this is a very odd combination of allies. The U.S. is stating that if things don't change, they will get involved. However President Obama has stated that he is only interested in saving civilian lives, and will not deploy ground troops in Libya. However, Anne-Marie Slaughter, a former adviser to Secretary of State Clinton, is saying that the President has to back up strong demands for a cease-fire, as he did on Thursday, with swift action. It seems that she means war, no pun intended, (PRI's The World). She is saying that for Political Credibility the U.S. needs act quickly. Col. Moammar Gadhafi, will take advantage of empty threats and not stop his attack on his own people, if he thinks that the U.S. is bluffing.
On the other hand, we have Barry Posen, director of the Security Studies at MIT, says that U.S. Military involvement is a mistake. He feels that the U.S. has been far to present in the Arab nations, and that if any country takes the reins in a militaristic way that they are taking away from the victory of this revolution. The people who want this revolution need to own the revolution. This means that they need to not only lead it themselves but they also need to pay the price for it. This will of course make them more joyous and more appreciative of their victory when it comes.
Many protesters in Libya Yemen and Saudi Arabia have stated that they don't want any countries involvement in their revolution. They are willing to own their freedom and take the costs to heart.
And some of the costs are hitting very close to the chest.
Yemeni peoples have been taking the brunt of a very bloody revolution as of late. On Friday in Yemen, 46 people (including children) were methodically shot by snipers medical officials and witnesses say Hundreds were left wounded. In other words, the shooters were aiming for their targets, they were not firing at random hoping they would hit someone. The killed victims were all shot in the head and/or neck. These snipers were shooting to kill. The worst part is, this Yemen protest start off peacefully, as most of them seem to. President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who's government is supported by the United States, is coming under political fire from President Obama. The U.S. President has stated that those responsible for the shootings must be held accountable for their actions. President Saleh instead has issued a 30 day  nation wide state of emergency, which makes it easier for Yemeni troops to confront protesters, while making it illegal for ordinary citizens to carry firearms. The Yemeni Government is using live ammunition, rubber bullets, tear gas, sticks, knives and rocks against protesters, in the hopes of scaring them, or causing them to be violent and nullify their revolution. The majority of Protesters refuse to bear arms and attack back in Yemen. The more that they are brutalized, the more people join the cause for revolution.
Where does all of this lead? Where does all this end? Stay tuned to find out. Like it, hate it, read it, share it, and always Demand Truth.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Can you say Revolution?

It seems that Egypt has really started something over there. This is not a bad thing at all. With people standing up for their rights all over the middle east and demanding justice in mostly peaceful manners one must wonder: Where will it stop? When will it stop? Lets hope not soon, lets hope that this spreads like wildfire. All over the world!
Not that I am saying that every country necessarily is in dire need for a revolution, but there are quite a few that do need one. Starting with the ones that are trying to have them right now. And they are doing it right. Standing up for people's rights, demanding what the people want, what the people need. And doing so peacefully. Bravo!
A woman in Egypt was interviewed about the protests that will happen every friday until all demands that were made in the past few weeks are met. What she had to say was this; "The most important thing is that the people who make more money pay more taxes, because that is fair." (Hass, "Egyptians celebrate Mubarak's fall and send a warning to the new regime." Now to me that makes a lot of sense, this money should be used to help those less fortunate.
This is something that on this side of the pond, we don't really care for, and why not? Here in the good 'ol USofA we believe in one thing. Standing up for one's self and saying screw the other guy. because we live in a culture where the self is regarded as autonomous, and the individual goals and wishes are proved above duty and and relations with others. This is not wrong at all, this is just our individualist culture that we live in and have always lived in. So saying, we resist things that don't help the me and the I, right now. If there is nothing  in it for Number One, then it is not worth doing.
Now in some of these other countries they regard the self as embedded in relationships, and harmony with one's group is prized above individual goals and wishes. Again this is not any better or worse than what we  in America enjoy, its just different, and different is scary, its threatening. Different means we need to change things, and change is worse than different. Because now we not only do we have to accept something that is different but we have to modify OUR behavior, and that is hard, dagnabit! How dare I have to change what i am doing? What I am doing is not wrong, how can it be wrong? I am doing it, and I can do no wrong!
Just because we need change does not mean we are doing something wrong. We just need to adjust what we are doing to accept new things that will benefit more than just Number One. In Christianity they say "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."(Bible, Matthew 7:12) and the Jewish faith says "Love your neighbor as you love yourself." (Tora, Leviticus 19:18) Hinduism teaches "Do not unto other which would cause pain if done to you." (5:15:17) Buddhist teach "Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful." In Islam; "Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you."(Mohammed's Farewell Sermon)  Point is this; everyone believes that we should help each other out. So why dont we?
Let the revolution spread. But here it should be slightly different I think. Here we should revolutionize our own thoughts and ideals to adapt with the changing of times. So from the streets of Cairo, the minds of Americans, lets have a revolution!!
Like it or hate it, just read it and let me know what you think. (Egypt article original) (helpful site to find things, I used to find the Golden Rule in many religions)